Architects, Builders and Coaching for Data & AI applications


AI is Delivering Results

We're on a mission to democratize the power of AI for individuals, organizations, and businesses globally, ensuring no one misses out on the groundbreaking advancements emerging from the Bay Area and beyond.

Here are three examples of efficiency improvement we’ve demonstrated in the past 12 months

  • Website re-tagging and content personalization in 4 weeks vs 6 months - 600% Speed Up

  • Accuracy of medical transcription to 98% accuracy rate in 4 weeks - after years stalled at 90%

  • Through a pivotal project, we showcased AI's transformative role in retail—from enhancing the merchandising supply chain to optimizing IT support—streamlining contract management and elevating employee experiences and effectiveness.

To Improve What Humans Can Do

Rooted in our human expertise in crafting data-driven applications, we leverage AI to accelerate innovation, delivering next-generation solutions for our clients.

Integrating AI into our workflows, we've seen our teams deliver results at least 20% faster, blending AI capabilities with human insight and oversight

Everyone Should Benefit

Our vision extends to universal benefit. We proudly offer pro-bono services to educators eager to introduce AI into their classrooms and institutions.

Concentrating on San Francisco's public schools, we aim to bridge the opportunity gap. Situated at the heart of the AI revolution, we believe every student should have the chance to shape the future with AI

Innovate with us, learn with us, and grow with us.

Discover the possibilities AI offers. Contact Us